Academic Advisory Board

  • Usually consists of academic representatives.
  • This board meets at least twice a year and fulfills the following directions:
  • Gives information about the issues of artificial intelligence in academic and scientific fields.
  • Academic needs are examined.
  • Suggestions are made for the interaction and cooperation of the academic world with other stakeholders.


2021 Team Members

Prof. Dr. Selim Balcısoy
Prof. Dr. Selim Balcısoy

Sabancı University

Prof. Dr. Ebru Akçapınar Sezer
Prof. Dr. Ebru Akçapınar Sezer

Hacettepe University

Prof. Dr. Gözde Ünal
Prof. Dr. Gözde Ünal


Dr. Sedef Akınlı Koçak
Dr. Sedef Akınlı Koçak

Vector Institute

Dr. Emre Eren Korkmaz
Dr. Emre Eren Korkmaz

University of Oxford

Prof. Dr. Gülçin Büyükozan Feyzioğlu
Prof. Dr. Gülçin Büyükozan Feyzioğlu

Galatasaray University

Prof. Dr. Deniz Yüret
Prof. Dr. Deniz Yüret

Koç University

Prof. Dr. Oğuz Ergin
Prof. Dr. Oğuz Ergin


Post-Doc Araştırma Görevlisi Tolga Birdal
Post-Doc Araştırma Görevlisi Tolga Birdal

Stanford University