TRAI Supporters Tell
Turkey Artificial Intelligence Summit
``As Çimsa, we believe that the Turkey Artificial Intelligence Summit, where innovative approaches and industry experiences were shared, was highly productive for all participants. We would like to extend our thanks to everyone involved.``
Eren Usta
``We had the privilege of being one of the main sponsors of the Turkey Artificial Intelligence Summit, an event that captures the current pulse of AI in our country, and demonstrating our commitment to fostering innovation and shaping the future of the industry. This event not only allowed us to showcase our cutting-edge solutions with Sambanova, but also facilitated the creation of meaningful connections with like-minded professionals. We are proud to have been a part of this event and eagerly look forward to continuing our engagement with the TRAI Summit in the future.``
Nur Yıldız
``TRAI Week 2023 provided a unique training and networking experience for professionals working in and interested in the field of artificial intelligence. As a professional working in AI, I greatly benefited from TRAI Week 2023. The event allowed me to learn about AI applications across different sectors and keep up with new trends. Additionally, I had the chance to meet experts from various industries and organizations, creating potential opportunities for collaboration. TRAI Week is a must-attend event for professionals working in and interested in AI. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments, follow new trends, and build collaborations in the AI field. I would like to thank the TRAI team for this valuable experience.``
Aydeniz Özdemir
``In this period when Artificial Intelligence is deeply impacting every sector and our business models, it was very productive and enjoyable to come together with valuable participants and share our experiences. It was impressive to see such interest and a large crowd. It reminded us once again how crucial and important the field we are passionate about, data and analytics, truly is. Thank you, TRAI.``
Alev Kılıç Özdemir
``The Turkey Artificial Intelligence Summit provided an enlightening experience, prepared and presented by experts in the field. It offered us the opportunity to socialize with participants and share knowledge. We are eagerly looking forward to the next event.``
Sevtap Erdem
TRAI Seminar - Workshop
``The Artificial Intelligence Applications Workshop we conducted with the Turkish Artificial Intelligence Initiative was highly informative and inspiring. Through the workshop, we gained in-depth knowledge about AI applications in the healthcare sector and identified areas where we could leverage the power of AI with our colleagues from different departments. Additionally, we had the opportunity to witness once again the importance AstraZeneca places on innovation and technology, driven by the pioneering force of science. We will continue to make the lives of our patients, healthcare professionals, and AstraZeneca employees easier with the solutions we develop using AI technology.``
Yağız Aydemir
``The Artificial Intelligence Awareness Seminar, reflecting the expertise and experience of the Turkish Artificial Intelligence Initiative in AI, was held with the active participation of our marketing and digital teams. During the seminar, we explored the latest developments in AI and its applications in healthcare, as well as the opportunities and challenges AI presents to the business world, through concrete examples. We would like to thank the TRAI team and our esteemed instructor, Ms. Roksan Kaspi.``
Işık Sönmez - İş Mükemmeliyeti ve Uygulamaları Direktörü
``The 'Artificial Intelligence Awareness Seminar' we planned for the entire company became one of the most highly attended seminars. After an engaging two hours, we advanced our understanding of AI, its capabilities, and its future. Through our maturity workshop, we gained a better awareness of the elements that constitute and influence AI, and we developed a roadmap. We extend our thanks to our instructor, Ms. Roksan Kaspi, and the entire TRAI team.``
Selim Aksoy
``Both the awareness seminar and the vision workshop were highly attended events in our company, thanks in large part to the engaging and content-rich presentations by expert consultants. Being able to benefit from TRAI's extensive ecosystem and receive prompt solutions when needed provides us with a significant comfort zone. We eagerly look forward to many more collaborative projects together.``
Okan Erdoğan
``Our artificial intelligence awareness seminar conducted within our company was extremely productive, thanks to the Turkish Artificial Intelligence Initiative's deep knowledge and interactive presentation style. We appreciate this valuable seminar, which helped us understand the impact of AI on the business world.``
Faik Berk Güler
``The Artificial Intelligence and Awareness training was an ideal opportunity to address our gaps in AI knowledge. The topics covered in the training helped us understand the fundamentals of AI technology and its applications. Through the training, we gained more insight into how AI technology can benefit our business. We recommend this training to anyone who wants to use AI technology in their professional life.``
Özlem Odalar
``The Artificial Intelligence and Awareness training was an ideal opportunity to address our gaps in AI knowledge. The topics covered in the training helped us understand the fundamentals of AI technology and its applications. Through the training, we gained more insight into how AI technology can benefit our business. We recommend this training to anyone looking to use AI technology in their professional life.``
Ayşe Şen
``Our participation in the TRAI AI Maturity Workshop was a significant step in defining our company's AI roadmap. Under the guidance of Roksan Kaspi, we clearly outlined our company's current AI status and objectives in an interactive and productive session. This workshop provided us with the opportunity to shape our AI strategy with strong synergy and ensured that participants from different departments developed a unified commitment to this vision.``
Şafak Dede
‘At the Artificial Intelligence Awareness Seminar organised by TRAI and attended by nearly 450 employees of Zorlu Enerji, we found answers to many questions we had about AI. We would like to thank TRAI and our trainer Roksan Kapsi for this beautiful and comprehensive training, which we were very satisfied and benefited from. This was a beginning for us. I am sure that we will carry out many more good organisations and works together with TRAI.’
Adnan Çomakoğlu
``As Yapı Kredi Teknoloji, while continuing to work with the mission of being a pioneer in industry innovations, I find the contributions of the TRAI platform immensely valuable for learning about the history of artificial intelligence, understanding its present, and anticipating its future.``
Caner Fındıklı
``With the Artificial Intelligence Awareness training and maturity workshop we conducted with TRAI, we completed a productive study that not only analyzed our company's current state across different dimensions but also helped us establish our AI roadmap. On this journey toward becoming a visionary and innovative company in the industry, we are deeply grateful to the TRAI team for their support in shaping our AI strategy.``
Uğur Akyüz
``Significant advancements in technology have occurred over the past 20 years. First, Industry 4.0 changed the way we do business. Digital transformation quickly followed. Then, the AI revolution began to hit like a tsunami. Unlike before, new technologies are now emerging at a faster pace. All companies will need to be aware of these developments and keep up with the times. Those who cannot adapt will, as with other technologies, fall behind. We thank TRAI for their contributions in helping us stay current. They have enabled our company to recognize key issues, marking a significant revolution for us.``
Gürcan Yücel
``Our participation in awareness seminars and summits has been highly beneficial for us in confirming the accuracy of our internal efforts and expanding our horizons. We believe that our long-term collaboration with you will add mutual value.``
Kemal Keskin
``We conducted a seminar aimed at raising awareness about artificial intelligence technologies. The seminar, organized to learn about the development of AI, understand its current and future applications, and recognize its role in the business world, was highly productive. The speakers' expertise on the subject enabled them to provide satisfying and enlightening answers to the questions posed. We thank the Artificial Intelligence Initiative and everyone involved for their efforts.``
Başak İnce Saban
``With the artificial intelligence maturity workshop conducted at our bank, we carried out an interactive session with all our stakeholders. The workshop allowed us to determine our target level, identify necessary actions, and raise awareness about the use of AI in our projects. We extend our thanks to TRAI for the collaboration.``
Betül Koçak
``The AI maturity workshop was a highly beneficial session where we had the opportunity to evaluate our company's current state from various perspectives and determine the actions needed to achieve our goals with all stakeholders. The recommendations provided for short- and medium-term actions guided our efforts and accelerated our progress. Additionally, listening to the work being done in the field of AI across different sectors at the TRAI summit was enlightening in terms of what can be achieved within DeFacto. In this context, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the TRAI team.``
Mustafa Tilkat
TRAI Testimonial
``TRAI was in the right place at the right time to promote the widespread use of artificial intelligence in Turkey. TRAI's events will continue to lead innovative and visionary individuals by bringing various applications of AI to the forefront.``

Tanel Temel
``TRAI has been successfully implementing for years its commitment to artificial intelligence at the heart of technological innovation, reinforcing this commitment through a strong culture of sharing, and expanding it into scenarios that corporate firms can utilize in their digital transformation journeys.``

Cüneyt Batmaz
“TRAI, Türkiye’de yapay zeka alanında girişimler, yatırımcılar, iş dünyası, kamu kurumları ve akademik dünyayı buluşturan çok kıymetli ve dinamik bir ekosistemi başarıyla bir araya getiriyor, gelişmesine ve büyümesine öncülük ediyor. Exairon adına bir yapay zeka girişimi olarak bu ekosistemin parçası olmaktan, katkı sunmaktan ve TRAI’ın yakın desteğini almaktan büyük mutluluk duyuyoruz.”
Utkan Şanda
``By joining forces with TRAI, which has taken the initiative to build an ecosystem that supports artificial intelligence and fosters the sharing of knowledge and experience in our country, we will continue to add value to both our nation and our people.``

Serkan Öztürk
``On our journey to create value from our rich data sources and use AI effectively, TRAI has been an invaluable guide. Thanks to TRAI, we became aware of successful examples in Turkey, increased our institutions' awareness of AI, and enhanced the competencies of our teams.``

Şirin Aktaş
``TRAI successfully undertakes a crucial mission by bringing together the Turkish AI ecosystem on a common platform, fostering interaction, development, and the creation of value-added services and solutions. The working groups and outcomes formed under TRAI's leadership, with the participation of us stakeholders, will pave the way for valuable collaborations and innovative solutions.``

Kutay Mutluer
``TRAI plays a critical role in the development of the AI-related ecosystem in Turkey. Through the TRAI platform, we connected with 'Intenseye' and are now leveraging AI-based applications to minimize 'Occupational Health and Safety' risks, which are a top priority for our organization.``

Saygın Kaçar
``The TRAI platform has become a central meeting point for those working in AI in our country. Thanks to TRAI events, we have the opportunity to closely follow developments in the field of AI. We are grateful to everyone involved in establishing and supporting this platform, which we are proud to be a part of.``

Yavuz Selim Şengöz
``TRAI is a crucial initiative aiming to lead the establishment of the AI ecosystem in Turkey, promote the sharing of knowledge and culture in this field, and facilitate collaborations.``

Sedef Akınlı Koçak
``Our experience with the Turkey Artificial Intelligence Initiative has been nothing short of transformative for Spiky. They played a pivotal role in enhancing our online marketing and presence. By connecting us with an influential network of AI founders, investors, and key players in the ecosystem, they opened doors to invaluable opportunities. These introductions not only broadened our visibility but also enriched our understanding of the AI landscape, leading to strategic partnerships that have been instrumental in our growth. The Initiative's dedication to fostering collaborations within the AI community has significantly contributed to our journey in becoming a recognized name in the tech world.``
Waleed Shaarani
``If today we are talking about over a hundred AI companies and the use of AI in hundreds of businesses, the biggest credit goes to TRAI. Etiya has learned a great deal from TRAI and the platforms it offers.``

Ali Durmuş
``I wholeheartedly congratulate TRAI for leading the way in the various AI applications we've started learning and using in recent years. Initiatives like TRAI will play a crucial role in closing our current technology gap.``

Sabri Ünlütürk
``TRAI is a highly valuable platform that brings together the stakeholders of the AI revolution in our country. The ecosystem it has created is ideal for tracking and promoting high-value and impactful AI initiatives across various sectors, inspiring new ones, and fostering collaborations.``

Onur Arpacıoğlu
``TRAI is a crucial initiative that provides access to the latest information and key experts in the field of AI in Turkey, as well as insights into global developments. The network they’ve created, the events they organize, and the support they offer to institutions in the AI field serve as a catalyst for Turkey’s progress in this area. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all TRAI employees and supporters for their contributions.``

Ömer Kaya
``TRAI is one of the most important platforms for spreading knowledge and expertise through its AI-driven ecosystem. By bringing together the most experienced names in the field, TRAI plays a leading role in learning about the latest technologies, trends, and applications in AI. We are very pleased to support such an effective platform as TRAI, which, like us, provides end-to-end solutions and is one of the strongest ecosystems in Turkey in its domain.``

Özgür Kaynar
``Artificial intelligence is now a part of many areas of our lives and is becoming an integral part of our work and products. TRAI plays a pioneering role in the formation and development of the AI ecosystem in our country. I commend everyone who has contributed to this effort.``